"...from the thoughts the soul takes its color" - Marcus Aurelius

"...from the thoughts the soul takes its color" - Marcus Aurelius

"According to the nature of the objects which thou most commonly imaginest, thy disposition also will be determined; for from thoughts the soul takes its color." - Marcus Aurelius First, I'd like to put this quote into slightly more modern words to make the content a little more understandable. "Your mind will take the form of....

Is Ikigai Overrated? Points That No One Talks About

Is Ikigai Overrated? Points That No One Talks About

The Japanese concept of Ikigai, has been making its way more and more into our western world for some time now. I have noticed, however, that we Westerners have imported this concept too - what would be the right word to describe it correctly - "clumsily". Too unreflective, respectively not holistic enough. And that brings problems with it. If...

Better Life Through Emotional Distance

Better Life Through Emotional Distance

I see the need for emotional distance most clearly in times when a lot is happening quickly and you are more likely to be overwhelmed by the situation than to actually manage it, for example when you are separating from your partner or starting a new job. In such times, simply pausing for a moment can allow us to view the situation in a completely...