
A$AP ROCKY about trying

The last few years of my life have been characterized by countless attempts. Although many of these attempts were not exactly characterized by success, they have taught me a lot. After all, if we don't dare to try or attempt new things, we can never move beyond the current status quo.

"Since when has it become not cool to try?"


In an interview with US rapper A$AP ROCKY, he said that he does not understand why it is no longer considered cool these days. Of course, it's easy to make fun of people who try something and then fail miserably. But why is trying in itself now uncool just because it involves the possibility of failure?

As already mentioned, I have started several private projects in recent years, some of which are still ongoing and some of which have since failed. However, it's important to note that even if a project didn't work out the way I had hoped, I was still able to learn a lot from them. The skills learned along the way may not necessarily have led to success in these particular cases, but they are skills that I have learned in this way and can continue to use.

For example, I founded a clothing brand with a good friend. However, as there were already enough suppliers on the market, as well as the rising prices of the energy crisis due to the war in Ukraine and other factors, the project was probably too expensive. doomed to failure. Nevertheless, the skills we have acquired during this "project", from setting up the store to legal protection and marketing, are areas that have been fun to work our way into. 

If we had only played video games in the meantime, we wouldn't have learned anything. Although the project didn't produce the result we had hoped for, I'm still glad we gave it a go. Because as A$AP ROCKY said, it's not uncool to try something.

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