How our communication shapes the future

How our communication shapes the future

The fundamental weakness of society, our inability to engage in dialogue with understanding, prevents humanity from working together constructively. This phenomenon is wonderfully observable on social media in the comment columns. When confronted with statements that do not correspond to our convictions, we resort to confrontational responses in almost all cases. Instead of seeking dialogue and really trying to...

Life is simple, but we make it complicated
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Life is simple, but we make it complicated

According to the Mental Health Foundation, more than 74% of people felt overwhelmed (source). And that's despite the fact that life in and of itself is actually simple. We just make it complicated for ourselves. "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." Confucius It's quite possible that your reaction towards this....

Your cell phone use reduces your concentration

Your cell phone use reduces your concentration

You've probably known it for a long time, but do nothing about it - or too little: excessive cell phone use is harmful. From concentration problems to deteriorated eyesight to poor posture, especially in the neck area. And those are just a few of the side effects. In this article, however, we want to focus on concentration problems. Who knows it...