The modern creation process
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The modern creation process

Technological progress has made it possible for us to pass on our written works without any great risk. However, progress is not all good. To get information about self-publishing, we often turn to the internet, sometimes Google, sometimes YouTube, depending on where we find the answers we want. However, if you spend a while researching these topics,...

Why it's better to live without armor

Why it's better to live without armor

Recently, in a video in which an armor expert responded to fantasy armor in video games, I stumbled upon the statement that little armor is worse than none at all. This is because it gives us a false sense of security which is why we are more reckless in putting ourselves in dangerous situations. In today's world, where dangers and risks are not...

How inflation reminds us of our prosperity

How inflation reminds us of our prosperity

For some time now, you can hear people everywhere talking about inflation. Everything is getting more expensive. Currently, the inflation rate in Germany is +7.9% and in many countries it looks similar. Probably the most noticeable is this with food. Anyone who has been shopping in a supermarket lately will have noticed that at...