The modern creation process
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The modern creation process

Technological progress has made it possible for us to pass on our written works without any great risk. However, progress is not all good. To get information about self-publishing, we often turn to the internet, sometimes Google, sometimes YouTube, depending on where we find the answers we want. However, if you spend a while researching these topics,...

Lao Tzu Explains How to Always Have Enough
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Lao Tzu Explains How to Always Have Enough

Modern consumerism plays us to believe that we should consume more and better goods. Ideally, we should buy a completely new wardrobe every week, the latest snacks, cell phones or headphones - however, more is never enough. Lao Tzu already knew over 2000 years ago that it is important to know when you have had enough....

Alan Watts on money, life and spiritual awakening
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Alan Watts on money, life and spiritual awakening

Alan Watts was known not only for making Far Eastern worldviews accessible to the Western world, but also for criticizing various circumstances of our modern society. This short but powerful excerpt from one of his speeches does both. Alan Watts explains the interdependence in which opposites stand, since they cannot exist without each other. In the...

Alan Watts on Problems of Modernity: Philosophers and Materialism
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Alan Watts on Problems of Modernity: Philosophers and Materialism

Alan Watts was known for placing criticism on various circumstances of our society. This article is about Watts' view that our perception of materialism is wrong and modern philosophers have forgotten an important aspect of philosophy. Alan Watts made it clear that in his opinion the term materialism would be misinterpreted. Actual materialism implies...