Laplanche's model of the subconscious

Laplanche's model of the subconscious

I recently had the pleasure of attending a lecture by Dr. Kai Rugenstein. A not insignificant part of the lecture dealt with the development of the subconscious according to Laplanche. Dr. Rugenstein impressed me not only with his incredible specialist knowledge, but also with his eloquence and humor - after all, it is not easy to explain such a complex topic with such...

Psychological phenomena explained: Backfire effect

Psychological phenomena explained: Backfire effect

It can be very frustrating to have a discussion with someone who, contrary to the obvious facts, will not budge from their position. However, it is quite possible that the other person is actually not really in a position to do this or at least consider it. It could be that our counterpart is being influenced by a psychological phenomenon...

The psychological phenomenon because of which Napoleon failed: Illusory superiority

The psychological phenomenon because of which Napoleon failed: Illusory superiority

Have you ever felt that you are smarter, more attractive, or more skilled than most people? If so, you may have had the experience of illusory superiority. This is a psychological phenomenon in which people overestimate their own abilities or qualities. Illusory superiority can affect various aspects of our lives, such as...

Why small mistakes make us likeable: The Pratfall Effect

Why small mistakes make us likeable: The Pratfall Effect

When Barrack Obama ran for president, he admitted to smoking marijuana in college. And contrary to popular expectation, this admission did not cause him to lose support among voters. On the contrary, sympathy for Obama increased. This was a prime example of the Pratfall Effect. What is the Pratfall effect? The Pratfall Effect...

What exactly is the overview effect

What exactly is the overview effect

Imagine you are an astronaut. After the shaking of the launch subsides and everything becomes quieter and quieter and more and more distance comes between you and our planet, you see that the curvature of the earth's surface becomes more and more obvious. The longer you look at our earth, the more you feel that your whole perception is changing....

What exactly is the online disinhibition effect?

What exactly is the online disinhibition effect?

I dare say that everyone who is online has at some point stumbled across someone's comments that clearly showed that this person is completely over the top. This can manifest itself in excessively careless or even hateful statements. Things are said or written that would probably have been kept to themselves in real life. But...