Descartes on the separation of body and mind

Descartes on the separation of body and mind

The mechanistic view of the universe assumes that the body, which is influenced and controlled by physical laws, and the ethereal world of thought and consciousness are separate. You may have wondered about the complicated relationship between your mind and your body. Philosophers have been puzzling over this for thousands of years. One...

The joys of starting

The joys of starting

Especially in the last years I find more and more fun to try new things. Whether it was trying to start a sustainable clothing label with a friend, this blog, playing guitar, sports or setting myself little challanges. With all this trial and error, I've noticed some interesting things that I'd love to share with you....

The psychological phenomenon because of which Napoleon failed: Illusory superiority

The psychological phenomenon because of which Napoleon failed: Illusory superiority

Have you ever felt that you are smarter, more attractive, or more skilled than most people? If so, you may have had the experience of illusory superiority. This is a psychological phenomenon in which people overestimate their own abilities or qualities. Illusory superiority can affect various aspects of our lives, such as...