Gandhi on focusing on solutions instead of problems (learn how to do this)

Gandhi on focusing on solutions instead of problems (learn how to do this)

In the heat of the moment, it often happens that we focus on the problem instead of spending our energy on finding a suitable solution. Of course, it is important to analyze the problem sufficiently in order to understand it and find a solution in the first place, but unfortunately it happens easily to keep focusing on the...

Which Philosophers Believed in God? A Look at the Evidence

Which Philosophers Believed in God? A Look at the Evidence

Philosophy and religion have been closely intertwined throughout history. Many great philosophers had strong opinions on religious issues, and some even believed in God. In this article, we will examine the thoughts of some famous philosophers on the subject of religion. We will also examine the evidence they used to support their beliefs (or the...

Not Wanting to Force Things: Wu-Wei and Other Far Eastern Approaches
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Not Wanting to Force Things: Wu-Wei and Other Far Eastern Approaches

Far Eastern philosophies often contain concepts of not forcing, staying flexible and not stiffening. People who have grown up in the West often have a hard time with these. Our cultural way of thinking and seeing things is too different. Yet there is a lot of potential in these. In this article we will take a closer look at where these concepts appear, how...