The fight against tomorrow

The alarm clock rings, your eyes are heavy and your warm bed seems to be the only place you want to stay. But the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius reminded us centuries ago that we are not made to lie in bed all day. But why do we find it so difficult to defy the morning and how can we get a better start to the day?

If you wake up reluctantly in the morning, remember: I wake up to do a person's work.

Marcus Aurelius

Our bed is more than just a piece of furniture; it is our sanctuary. It is where we find security, warmth and peace. No wonder the thought of getting up often causes discomfort. But as Aurelius says, we are made to get up and tackle the tasks of life. Bed may be comfortable, but it also prevents us from reaching our full potential.

The key to getting up successfully lies in a well-planned morning routine. Here are some tips on how you can make your mornings better:

  1. Go to bed earlyYes, it sounds banal, but getting enough sleep is essential. If you get enough sleep, you wake up more rested and with more energy.
  2. No snooze buttonThe tempting snooze button is your enemy. Every time you press 'five more minutes', it makes it harder to get up. Put your alarm clock further away so you're forced to get up to turn it off.
  3. Light onNatural light signals to your body that it's time to wake up. Open the curtains or turn on the light as soon as you wake up.
  4. MovementA few simple stretching exercises or a short walk around the block can work wonders. Exercise gets your circulation going and helps you to wake up more quickly.
  5. HydrationA glass of water in the morning helps to rehydrate the body and boost the metabolism. A light snack or a healthy breakfast can also make it easier to start the day.

Marcus Aurelius was a follower of Stoic philosophy, which emphasizes discipline and self-control. The morning is the perfect time to practise these principles. Use the early hours to organize your thoughts and prepare yourself mentally for the day. Meditation or a short mindfulness exercise can help you gain clarity and approach the day with focus.

Sometimes it is difficult to find the motivation to get up. Small rituals can help here. Look forward to something pleasant in the morning, be it a cup of your favorite coffee, a good book or a short yoga session. Such small pleasures can make the morning much more pleasant.

We are not made to stay in bed all day. Life holds so many opportunities and challenges, and the morning is the starting point where we can take them on. With a thoughtful morning routine that prepares us physically and mentally for the day, we can get the most out of each day. Remember the words of Marcus Aurelius and get up to do the work of a man. Your bed may be cozy, but life is waiting for you outside - and it has so much more to offer

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