Not Wanting to Force Things: Wu-Wei and Other Far Eastern Approaches
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Not Wanting to Force Things: Wu-Wei and Other Far Eastern Approaches

Far Eastern philosophies often contain concepts of not forcing, staying flexible and not stiffening. People who have grown up in the West often have a hard time with these. Our cultural way of thinking and seeing things is too different. Yet there is a lot of potential in these. In this article we will take a closer look at where these concepts appear, how...

Epicurus explains how to be happy with little
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Epicurus explains how to be happy with little

  Epicurus was the founder of the Epicurean school, which was parallel to the Stoic school. Epicurus himself was misjudged as a lecher because his teachings placed a strong emphasis on the principle of pleasure. For a long time, this was primarily related to the sexual and intemperance as a whole. However, this was actually not at all that...