Savoring the Present: Epicureanism, Stoicism, and the Art of Contentment
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Savoring the Present: Epicureanism, Stoicism, and the Art of Contentment

The words of the Greek philosopher Epicurus still resonate in the world of philosophical thought and application today: "Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you do not have; remember that what you have now was once among the things you only hoped for." epicurus This simple proverb contains a deep...

Life is simple, but we make it complicated
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Life is simple, but we make it complicated

According to the Mental Health Foundation, more than 74% of people felt overwhelmed (source). And that's despite the fact that life in and of itself is actually simple. We just make it complicated for ourselves. "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." Confucius It's quite possible that your reaction towards this....

The power of postponing anger: what we can learn from Seneca's quote

The power of postponing anger: what we can learn from Seneca's quote

There is no doubt that anger is a natural emotion that we all experience from time to time. However, it is also true that anger often leads to hasty, destructive decisions that we later regret. This is where the following quote from Seneca comes into play, "The best remedy for anger is procrastination." Lucius Anneaus Seneca The...

Learning Virtue from Poverty: Insights from Diogenes' Quote

Learning Virtue from Poverty: Insights from Diogenes' Quote

It is suggested to us almost everywhere that we have to make big money in order to lead a good life. And even if money is not inevitably bad, it is usually the case that those who are unhappy with little money will not be happy with a lot of money either. In this article, we will look at how this can be...