To live is to act - Albert Camus

To live is to act - Albert Camus

Albert Camus was one of the most famous philosophers of existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophical current that found many followers in the middle of the 20th century. In existentialism, the existence of man is the central point. Above all, the existence of man, marked by suffering, which only gains meaning through one's own actions. "To live is to act"...

A good reason to die ... - Albert Camus

A good reason to die ... - Albert Camus

Most people have experienced situations in the course of life that one found intolerable. Depending on the situation, one can come to the conclusion that it was a good reason to die -or to live. These different ways of looking at things preoccupied the French philosopher, author and journalist Albert Camus and ultimately led to the following...

Seneca on daily growth

Seneca on daily growth

Every night, before we go to sleep, we must ask ourselves: what weakness have I overcome today? What virtue have I acquired? - Lucius Annaeus Seneca There is a multitude of quotations and sayings that all have more or less the same quintessence: one should not compare oneself with others, respectively the only person with...