Siddhartha Explains How To Bring Joy Into Our Lives
In this day and age, we are taught everywhere that life is all about joy and happiness. How to order this joy through the acquisition of things, so to speak. However, it is not the accumulation of goods, but the life without regret, which brings satisfaction.
"It is in the nature of things that joy arises in a person who is free from remorse".
Siddhartha "Buddha" Gautama
Joy arises in a person who is free from regret. But what exactly is repentance? And why is the absence of precisely this responsible for the emergence of joy?
Let's first look at what exactly remorse is. Remorse is the feeling of dissatisfaction, pain, regret and disgust at the wrongdoing of oneself. Knowing that one has done something wrong and not being able to change it. In addition, from the moment we admit that we have done something wrong, we start to think about making amends or making amends to make up for the wrong we have done.
Thus, those who are free from remorse stand behind their own actions. This can happen either when we are above averagely convinced of our own competence or when we always try to do our best.
In the former case, we will inevitably feel regret at some point in our lives. Because even if we think we are doing the right thing at the moment of action, we will later realize that we acted for selfish reasons. Because it will happen sooner or later that our actions have consequences that we had not planned. These consequences will then cause our faith and trust in our own competencies to crumble.
Then, when we realize that a large part of our deeds were for personal gain and to the detriment of others, repentance will come. It will cover the sum of our deeds like the morning mist on a lake.
In the second case, repentance will not come in most cases, even after a long time. If it does come, it will not stay for long, because we realize that we could not have done better at the time.
If we always act according to the highest moral standard and with the best conscience, remorse can only grasp us with difficulty. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that although we have acted with the best conscience, we may not have made a gross blunder somewhere. These, possibly negligent, mistakes, however, are not inhabited by the same spirit of remorse as those in which we knowingly do bad things.
So if you want to bring more joy into your life, try to do good according to your views. For it is in the nature of things that joy arises in a person who is free from remorse.