You carry the history of mankind within you

You carry the history of mankind within you

What if we carry around not only our own history, but also that of our ancestors, which on top of that influences us in everyday life? What sounds like an idea from the famous Assassins Creed series of books and games is actually an integral part of Carl Gustav Jung's theory of analytical psychology. Even the name of the super-computer "Animus" finds...

Seneca on daily growth

Seneca on daily growth

Every night, before we go to sleep, we must ask ourselves: what weakness have I overcome today? What virtue have I acquired? - Lucius Annaeus Seneca There is a multitude of quotations and sayings that all have more or less the same quintessence: one should not compare oneself with others, respectively the only person with...

Musashi's Most Relevant Quotes For Modern Life
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Musashi's Most Relevant Quotes For Modern Life

In this article, we'll look at six of Miyamoto Musashi's greatest quotes that have been extremely helpful to me (and countless other people) to steadily improve, see things in a more relaxed way, and find more inner peace - in short, to better cope with modern life. In this article we will look at the meanings and...

Why we want to change the world, but not ourselves
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Why we want to change the world, but not ourselves

Most great ambitions are those through which our environment is to be influenced. A coincidence? Not at all. There are various reasons why we are so averse to changing ourselves, but we work with a naturalness to change our environment. History has produced several great thinkers. A special spirit of modernity was Leo Tolstoy,...

Miyamoto Musashi and life without preferences
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Miyamoto Musashi and life without preferences

Miyamoto Musashi, the sword master and founder of the school "of the two heavens" (jap. 二天一流, Niten Ichiryū), stated in his writings in various places that it is crucial not to have preferences. Only in this way, he said, could one succeed in battle. An example of this is the following quote from the Gorin-No-Sho (The Book of Five Rings):...

Miyamoto Musashi explains how to practise fighting

Miyamoto Musashi explains how to practise fighting

The customs of the samurai are characterized by fighting and disciplined practice. It is therefore not surprising that there is a quote from the most famous samurai that addresses both issues: "You can only fight the way you practice." - Miyamoto Musashi In this article, we will take a closer look at why the teachings...