To live is to act - Albert Camus

To live is to act - Albert Camus

Albert Camus was one of the most famous philosophers of existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophical current that found many followers in the middle of the 20th century. In existentialism, the existence of man is the central point. Above all, the existence of man, marked by suffering, which only gains meaning through one's own actions. "To live is to act"...

A good reason to die ... - Albert Camus

A good reason to die ... - Albert Camus

Most people have experienced situations in the course of life that one found intolerable. Depending on the situation, one can come to the conclusion that it was a good reason to die -or to live. These different ways of looking at things preoccupied the French philosopher, author and journalist Albert Camus and ultimately led to the following...

Quotes explained: Stephen Covey on our perception of the world

Quotes explained: Stephen Covey on our perception of the world

We often forget that our perception of the world is not truly objective, but is largely influenced by who we are. The quote comes from the French writer Anaïs Nin, but has become even more famous thanks to the American bestselling author Stephen Covey, who has included it in several of his works (e.g. ....).

You carry the history of mankind within you

You carry the history of mankind within you

What if we carry around not only our own history, but also that of our ancestors, which on top of that influences us in everyday life? What sounds like an idea from the famous Assassins Creed series of books and games is actually an integral part of Carl Gustav Jung's theory of analytical psychology. Even the name of the super-computer "Animus" finds...

Seneca on daily growth

Seneca on daily growth

Every night, before we go to sleep, we must ask ourselves: what weakness have I overcome today? What virtue have I acquired? - Lucius Annaeus Seneca There is a multitude of quotations and sayings that all have more or less the same quintessence: one should not compare oneself with others, respectively the only person with...

Musashi's Most Relevant Quotes For Modern Life
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Musashi's Most Relevant Quotes For Modern Life

In this article, we'll look at six of Miyamoto Musashi's greatest quotes that have been extremely helpful to me (and countless other people) to steadily improve, see things in a more relaxed way, and find more inner peace - in short, to better cope with modern life. In this article we will look at the meanings and...